Third Edition Revised

The Third Edition Revised was first published in 1986, under the WSO, and was edited to remove all substance-specific language. It was supposed to have all references to being recovered, or have them read "recovering" or "in recovery" but was overlooked in the description of our symbol, where the paragraph still read "The outer circle denotes a universal and total program that has room within for all manifestations of the recovering and wholly recovered person" which was changed in subsequent versions to read "The outer circle denotes a universal and total program that has room within it for all manifestations of the recovering person"

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Sixth Edition

The Sixth Edition was first printed in 2008, under NAWS, and was also the first of our Basic Texts to say, "Printed in China" where it once said, "Printed in the United States of America". The preface was changed, and Book One was now "Our Program". Book Two became "Our Members Share" and some different stories were added. It is also larger in physical size, than the Second through Fifth Editions.

Read more: Sixth Edition

Fourth Edition

The Fourth Edition was first printed in 1987, and many call this "the sanitized version" because professional writers edited it for proper grammar, punctuation, and spelling. This was also the first book to contain the line "This is N.A. Conference-approved literature" but it was very short lived. There is a story about how a whole paragraph was "dropped on the floor" at the printers, so some books were printed missing that section, so a sticker was applied to that page. It was actually two paragraphs, in the Just for Today chapter, at the bottom of page 87. The Fourth Edition was also offered in a softcover version.

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Fifth Edition

The Fifth Edition was first printed in 1988, under WSO, and one thing I find particular interesting is that it shows "Published in 1983, Third Edition 1984, Fourth Edition 1987, and Fifth Edition 1988" like they wanted to erase the history of the Second Edition. This is when the World Service Office was becoming "Narcotics Anonymous World Services" so the first printings would have WSO Inc. on the spine, and subsequent printings would have NAWS Inc. on the spine. This is also when "Printed in the United States of America" stopped showing up on the declaration pages.

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Third Edition

The Third Edition (new and revised) was first printed in October of 1984, but do not confuse this with the Third Edition Revised. This was the first book to be printed under WSO, with six more printings in February 1985, April 1985, October 1985, February 1986, and June 1986. The dust jackets are blue, with Narcotics Anonymous, Third Edition, and W.S.O. INC. in white, on the spine.

Read more: Third Edition